

Guiding Theme and Further Research

Yet: To widen our knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, digital solutions and sustainability and how it can build resilience (Guiding theme), we are in need of further research. The research field of the topics is broad. Many different developments, future trends and problems characterize it and various subtopics emerge.


Submission of Papers

We would like to see contributions that focus on these topics from a theoretical, empirical or applied perspective.

We ask for the submission of the corresponding papers in the amount of XXXX pages. Those can be published papers, but it can also be work in progress. ((FULL PAPERS??, WORK IN PROGRESS?? How many pages? Definition of a structure? Definition of format: font? Font size?? Graphics? Tables?).


Review process

The authors of Full Papers receive a Developmental Reviwe from reviewers selected by the YEEES Programme comittee. The reviewers are selected scientists with great expertise in their research area. Is the paper accepted, the author qualifies for 20-minute lectures (?) plus a 10-minute discussion (??).

Proposals for presentations can also be submitted as a work in progress which should be summarized in the form of a short abstract. Short abstracts should not exceed 1,000 words. Short abstracts  can qualify for poster presentations.


Submission requirements:

As stated, theory- and practice-oriented papers can be submitted. Papers must be submitted in English. Please hand in your full paper or your work in progress until


1st May 2020 latest at

at our conference tool easychair under the link: XXXX.


Selection process

The selection is made on the basis of the review results. We will probably inform the authors on the end of June 2020 (probably on the 20th June 2020) of the acceptance of the proposed contributions.


We are very much looking for your contribution!

Thematic areas​

Digital Solutions and Media and communication 

The digital transformation is happening everywhere, to a more or less extent (Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, App-Inventions). We call for papers, who reflect developments, chances and obstacles within the digital transformation processes and the use thereof in certain subfields of sustainable development: Health Care, Agriculture (Food production in generell), Transport, etc. We welcome any methodical approaches: from case studys within countries, companies, etc. Another important aspect is the diversion of knowledge through social media or other communication channels. How is knowledge spread via social media channels or how could it be dispersed anyhow? How can it build up innovation?   

Resource efficiency 
One big problem in Southern African countries is their submission to climatic fluctuations such as droughts and floods. The vicissitudes of life take their toll on many subfields as agriculture and clear water. Resource efficiency such as energy sufficiency and waste management play therefore a big role in the success of sustainable approaches to country developement and resilience at once.   

As to every aspect of development, education plays a crucial role. We therefore are looking for contributions who shed a light on entrepreneurial education and also on innovative educational teaching methods, gladly in connection with the contemplation of digital solutions.   

Forms of Entrepreneurship 
There are many subforms of entrepreneurship. With regard to our project, we are happy to receive contributions on sustainability entrepreneurship. Development however can never happen without the equalization of gender. So, we are looking for reflections on female entrepreneurship as well. You can also discuss the contentious differentiation of ecological and sustainable entrepreneurship as well as social entrepreneurship.   

Areas of Life and Business 
Development or sustainable action can in one country differ a lot between different subfields or areas of life. Where it may be that in agriculture or food production many ICT-solutions have already been developed and researched, health facilities lack these developments. In Germany, the media recently focusses due to a huge climatic debate on Fair Fashion and Tourism. We are welcoming contributions on those subfields of life, such as Health, Agriculture/Food production, Sports, Tourism, Fashion and Arts.   

Mobility and Transport 
Mobility and transport are changing constantly. Urbanization processes characterize almost any continent and every country in the world. For that reason, the infrastructure and transport opptortunities of the future have to change accordingly. Please trace these processes and give creative solutions to current problems and challenges of the future   

Framework conditions for Sustainable Action and Outcomes 
For entrepreneurs, governmental regulations can much influence their success on establishment and continuation of their businesses. They can pose great challenges to their entrepreneurial actions as well as favourable laws can help flourish them. Please have a look at the Economy/Politics/Governance and send us your contributions on those fields and success on building up resilience.